React and SPFx Interview Questions with Scenarios and Code Examples

Introduction React and SharePoint Framework (SPFx) are popular technologies used in modern web development, especially for building user interfaces and custom web parts in SharePoint. Preparing for interviews involving these technologies requires a solid understanding of core concepts, practical scenarios, and coding proficiency. In this blog, we’ll cover essential interview questions, different scenarios, and code examples to help you ace your React and SPFx interviews. Section 1: React Interview Questions 1. What is the Virtual DOM, and how does it improve performance in React? Scenario: Imagine you’re building a dashboard with multiple widgets that update frequently. How would React's Virtual DOM help optimize performance in this case? Explanation: React uses a Virtual DOM, an in-memory representation of the real DOM. When the state of an element changes, React updates the Virtual DOM first. It then calculates the difference (diffing) between the previous and current states of

Burners and Earners: The Dance of Value and Vision

In the great dance of life, we often find ourselves playing roles we scarcely recognize. Some of us are Earners, toiling under the weight of responsibility, while others become Burners, consuming what is offered without a thought for tomorrow. This piece is for those who wander without a dream, spending with abandon, unaware of the price paid by those who came before them.

The Tale of the Earners

The Earners are the silent sentinels of our existence. They rise before the sun, their hearts heavy with the hopes of those they care for. They work tirelessly, not just for themselves, but for the futures they wish to build. They understand the value of every coin earned, each drop of sweat a testament to their commitment.

They are the ones who plant seeds in barren lands, hoping for a harvest they may never see.

Their sacrifices are often unseen, their labors uncelebrated. But it is they who ensure that the world keeps spinning, that dreams have a foundation upon which to grow. For the Earner, life is not just about survival; it's about building, nurturing, and leaving behind a legacy of love, hard work, and dedication.

The Lament of the Burners

And then, there are the Burners. They are the children of the Earners, blessed with the fruits of their parents' labor. But, like the gas that fuels a fire, they consume without thought, without appreciation.

They are the flames that dance upon the kindling, bright and beautiful, but all too fleeting.

Burners spend freely, not just money but time, energy, and opportunities. They drift through life, unaware of the sacrifices made to provide them with comfort. Their dreams are often shallow, their goals short-sighted. They live for the moment, not realizing that each moment is built upon the foundation of someone else's toil.

The Symphony of Life: A Balance Between Earning and Burning

Life, however, is not meant to be lived in extremes. There is beauty in being both an Earner and a Burner, but only when done with balance, wisdom, and purpose.

To Earn and to Burn—these are not opposing forces, but rather, complementary aspects of a life well-lived.

Earning with Purpose

To earn is to build, to create, to lay down the bricks that form the path to a better tomorrow. It is not just about money but about values, principles, and dreams. Earn with purpose, with a vision that extends beyond your immediate needs. Invest not only in material wealth but in relationships, knowledge, and experiences that will enrich your life and the lives of others.

Earning is the art of planting seeds in the soil of possibility, tending to them with care, and watching as they grow into the fruits of your labor.

Burning with Wisdom

To burn is not inherently wrong. It is natural to enjoy the fruits of your labor, to celebrate the small victories along the way. But to burn wisely is to do so with a consciousness of the cost. It is to enjoy without excess, to indulge without waste.

Burning is the dance of the flame, bright and beautiful, warming the soul without consuming all that is around it.

A Call to Balance: Be Both a Burner and an Earner

The challenge before us is to learn the delicate art of balancing these two forces. To be an Earner without becoming consumed by the pursuit of more. To be a Burner without wasting the gifts we have been given.

For in this balance lies the true essence of life: the ability to create and to enjoy, to give and to receive, to work and to play.

The Earners’ Legacy

To the Earners, I say: Your work is not in vain. Though the fruits of your labor may not always be immediately visible, they are there, growing silently in the hearts and lives of those you support. Your legacy is not just in what you leave behind, but in the lives you touch, the dreams you help build, and the love you give.

For every coin earned is a piece of your heart, invested in the future of those you love.

The Burners’ Awakening

To the Burners, I say: Awaken to the reality of your blessings. Understand that what you consume today was earned by someone’s sweat, someone’s sacrifice. Burn with awareness, with gratitude, and with purpose.

Let your flames illuminate the path ahead, not just for yourself but for those who come after you.

A Poetic Plea

Earn with your heart, burn with your soul,
Balance the dance, make your life whole.
For every moment, a price was paid,
By hands that toiled, by hearts that prayed.

Be the flame that warms, not the fire that consumes,
Build with your hands, let your life bloom.
For in the end, what truly will last,
Is the legacy you leave, not the coins amassed.

Conclusion: The Dance of Life

Life is a dance between earning and burning, between building and enjoying. Let us strive to be both, to find that balance where we work with purpose and celebrate with joy. For in this dance, we find the true meaning of life—a life that is rich not just in wealth, but in love, purpose, and fulfillment.

So, to all the Earners, continue your noble journey with pride. And to all the Burners, awaken to the beauty of balance. Together, we can create a world where every act of earning and burning is done with wisdom, grace, and love.

This version retains the essence of your message while adding depth, structure, and a poetic touch to make the content more engaging and reflective.


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